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The Marketing Secrets Show

Aug 28, 2018

A cool lesson I learned after a day of fly fishing, and a really cool story by the campfire.

On this episode Russell talks about being on a retreat and learning to fly fish. He relates it to testing out new material and seeing what hooks people. Here are some of the cool things in today's episode:

  • How trying to catch...

Aug 24, 2018

But everything changed for me when I discovered ONE thing during my business journey. Listen to how I handled and overcame feeling like I was in "The Loneliest Job In The World".

On today's episode Russell talks about why being an entrepreneur is the loneliest job in the world. Here are some of the awesome things you...

Aug 23, 2018

How Alex Becker got me to think he's literally the coolest person on earth by just being a cool person.

On today's episode Russell talks about the difference between trying to build a relationship with someone the wrong way and the right way. Here is some of the awesome stuff you will hear on today's episode:

  • What has...

Aug 22, 2018

If you master this, your army will be amazing.

On today's episode Russell talks about a friend of his that passed away over the weekend and the legacy that he leaves behind. Here are some of the inspiring things in this episode:

  • How the death of a friend inspired Russell to think about his own legacy.
  • What it means to...

Aug 21, 2018

One of the biggest things you need to understand if you're actually going to have success.

On today's episode Russell explains why you shouldn't stress about not being a millionaire after only working at it for a few months. Here are some of the other insightful things you will hear in this episode:

  • Why some people...